The husband had his follow up appointment at the RE yesterday. They wanted to "evaluate" him due to his bloodwork coming back with a really high FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) level. Typically, this indicates testicular failure, but he doesn't have that as he is producing swimmers. The doctor "violated" him, as he puts it. But really it was the normal man checkup - turn your head and cough, stick a finger in the booty, etc. Sorry, that may be way TMI for some... Anyway, he said that he didn't know why the FSH was so high, but it is significantly higher than it was in August when the last test was taken. He said he wants to check it again in a few weeks and if it is still increasing then he is suggesting that we freeze some swimmers in case the FSH levels do get so high that it DOES cause testicular faiure. UGH. That can cost $500 a year to store. Can't we keep them in our freezer at home for free? LOL Just kidding. That would be way gross.
We are also both still taking meds. I'm taking Prometrium. Typically this is given to menopausal women, but is also given to women who have amenorrhea - or a lack of a menstrual cycle. It is full of estrogen and progesterone and is supposed to induce a period after a 10 day prescription. I took my last dose last night, so hopefully something will happen over the next day or so. Since baby making all revolves around ovulation....if you're not ovulating, you ain't baby makin'. I am also on a really good prenatal vitamin. Husband is taking a dietary supplement called Proxeed. This has been tested and known to increase swimmer counts after taking for 3 months. We will be doing another swimmer test after 1 month to ensure they are increasing. The last test showed 4 million. That is "way too low" according to the docs. REALLY? 4 MILLION are too few when I only need 1? We asked the RE about this and he said that only 5M are needed to do artificial insemination! WOOHOO! Talk about a money saver compared to IVF.
So everyone keep your fingers crossed that this medicine "seeds the seed" so to speak and we have higher counts next time. We could be pregnant by the summer!!
Kimbosue's Blog has MOOOOOVED!
Some posts are pw protected, so for the super secret decoder pen....ahem... code, please email me at kimbosue2 AT hotmail DOT com.
This blog will remain open. The link is still tied to lots of IF blogs, groups, and websites. I hope someone can read through my journey and find hope and strength and know that there is a light at the end of the IF tunnel. Prayer is the key! I love all my IF girlies I met along the way, and I hope to keep your friendships going forward during this next chapter of Mommyhood. I hope to see you there!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Turn your head and cough
Posted by KimboSue at 7:56 AM 0 nice things to say...
Labels: RE
Monday, January 28, 2008
My Very First Post...
I have decided to join the world of bloggers. Actually AJ's Mom inspired me to journal random things that happen in my life. Most blogs that I have been lurking on, however, are all about crazy things their kids are doing. Since we are currently baby-less (only 1 FurBaby), these will contain The Life of Times of KimboSue.
We have just begun our journey to becoming parents though. Well, our journey to conception is more like it. Of all of the various doctors we have seen, we can add Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) to the list. He is someone that is all knowing about how and what it takes to become pregnant. After a few tests, it appears that our issue is 2-fold. The husband has a low swimmer count and I am not ovulating (Or O'ing as the infertilty persons refer to it). As those of you who have babies know, it is all about the timing of the "O" to determine if you can get pregnant or not. I have been on vitamins and some other meds to assist in my o'ing this month. Only 4 more days to go...Cross your fingers that it happens. After that, its on to more testing. Hopefully we will be prego by the summer!!
Posted by KimboSue at 11:25 AM 3 nice things to say...
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Miles Weekly Pics

Posted by KimboSue at 2:58 PM 0 nice things to say...
Labels: Baby Miles, weekly pics
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Belly Pics

Posted by KimboSue at 6:00 PM 0 nice things to say...
Labels: belly pics
TTC Acronyms
2WW = 2-Week Wait
AF = Aunt Flo or Menstrual cycle
AI = Artificial Insemination
ART = Assisted Reproductive Technology
BCP = Birth Control Pills
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFP = Big Fat Positive
BMS = Baby making Sex
B/W = Blood Work
CD = Cycle Day
DPIUI = Days Post-IUI
E2 = Estradiol/Estrogen
FSH = Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HCG = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPT = Home Pregnancy Test
IF = Infertility
IUI = Intrauterine Insemination
IVF = In Vitro Fertilization
PG = Pregnant
PMS = Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS = Pee On A Stick (home pregnancy test)
RE = Reproductive Endocrinologist
SA = Semen Analysis
TTC = Trying to Conceive
U/S = Ultra Sound
Posted by KimboSue at 3:15 PM 0 nice things to say...