Kimbosue's Blog has MOOOOOVED!
**As of November 9, 2009, please find me at my new home below.**
Some posts are pw protected, so for the super secret decoder pen....ahem... code, please email me at kimbosue2 AT hotmail DOT com.
This blog will remain open. The link is still tied to lots of IF blogs, groups, and websites. I hope someone can read through my journey and find hope and strength and know that there is a light at the end of the IF tunnel. Prayer is the key! I love all my IF girlies I met along the way, and I hope to keep your friendships going forward during this next chapter of Mommyhood. I hope to see you there!
The bday cake from my work people.

The extra tall candles and lemon goodies from Maggiano's

The very first bday cake Dean has ever made me himself!

A materni-tee from my friend Kim

The giant clock Dean gave me - Andrew wanted to get in the mix

He likes the bows!

4 nice things to say...:
Great pictures, what a beautiful cake, that is so sweet Dean baked for you, AAAAAAHHHHH!
You look so happy! Happy Birthday and All the Best!!!!
happy belated birthday! Yay!!! :)
Happy Birthday!!
Man, I really want some birthday cake now.
You have trained Dean well. The first and only birthday cake my husband made me had melted frosting because he was not aware of the need to cool the cake first!
Glad everyone treated you so well!
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