Ok, seriously that is the funniest thing I have ever heard of (aside from a relative of mine having rotator.cuff.surgery due to tearing his rotator.cuff playing Wii.baseball!!) but I really do have one!! The past few nights my right arm has been going numb and my hand all tingly. I couldn't figure out why and Dean suggested that I had a pinched nerve in my arm. From what? Oh wait...here I am feeding Miles the next morning and my arm is doing it again....Yep, you guessed it...the way I have to hold righty when feeding him cramps up my damn arm! Have you ever heard of such a thing? So now I have to stretch my arm out so it doesn't get worse! WHO KNEW!!
On another random note...my aunt had a nuclear.stress.test done today. Afterwards, she asked if she could be around people tonight (We are meeting her and my parents to plan for our camping trip) and the tech said it was ok, but would there be any kids? She said yes, they asked how old and she said 1 month. They said it was ok to be in the same room, but that she couldn't hold him?? WHAT?! Since when does someone receive SO MUCH radia.tion during a stress.test that it can come out of your skin and transfer to another person??? That just seems so disturbing to me. Has anyone else ever heard of this? And if she hadn't thought to ask about it, what could it have to to Baby Miles?
Martha - I know you know something about this...
1 week ago
5 nice things to say...:
I have to research the stress test radioisotope, never run heard of this, but I'm learning everyday. I will research and comment right back.
I had both carpal tunnel and nursing elbow/arm when the boys were infants. The hormones cause inflammation, plus you are using muscles constantly that you didn't use before.
from Health Physics Society
Category: Nuclear Medicine Patient Issues — Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine
The following question was answered by an expert in the appropriate field:
QToday I had a stress test done for my heart where I received the normal radioactive tracer and they took pictures of my chest while I was at rest, then performed the exercise test, then continued to document my chest. My real concern is, being a 25-year-old mother of an eight-month-old, how soon can I hold or handle my baby after such a procedure, and can I feed her via bottle (her resting on a pillow, not in my arms)? Also, will the shedding of such radiation bother my other family members (husband and 12-year-old son)? I also was wondering how many hours of direct sunlight that level of radiation compares to.
AIf you want to be conservative and keep the dose low to your baby, I would say one day gives your body time to eliminate the radioactive tracer. Holding the baby just while feeding her would not be an excessive dose. My hospital does not put any restrictions on time with family members after diagnostic exams. Drinking lots of fluids helps with the elimination of the radioactive tracer. Most of it is gone after a day.
As far as the radiation dose, I can't give you a good estimate since I need to know what radioactive tracer they used and how much activity (millicuries) they administered. Stress tests usually are equivalent to three years of the average natural background radiation in the United States (around 1,000 mrem). But natural background radiation is not from direct sunlight; it is from outer space (cosmic), the earth, radon, the food we eat, and the water we drink. As noted in the Health Physics Society Position Statement on "Radiation Risk in Perspective," there are no demonstrated health effects for radiation exposures below 5,000-10,000 mrem (50-100 millisievert).
Based on this and other info I looked up, I think it will be okay for your Aunt to hold Miles, whatever you feel comfortable with is most important.
I had a stress test about a week after AJ was born. Which given the circumstances was a really stupid time to be testing for stress. Yeah, I'm under stress!!
Anyway, the day I had the test was going to be the first time that we were going to be able to hold AJ. Because of the test I didn't get my chance until the following day.
Personally, I don't think it's worth the risk but what do I know?
Oh yeah, I never had a pinched nerve in my arm...but defintely had plenty of neck/beck issues due to nursing. The things we do for our kids!
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