According to statsaboutme ( app)...
You have 431 friends, 311 more than average. 37% are male, 63% are female. 58 are single, 296 are dating or married. If you contracted a deadly variant of flu, you would likely infect 12 people, 2 of whom would die. If you died today, an estimated 516 people would try to attend your funeral. Based on your Facebook profile, you have a 92% probability of getting married. You are likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.4 children over your lifetime.
So my apologies to those 2 people I could possibly infect and kill.
I pray that 516 people show up at my funeral.
Pretty sure that 92% probability of getting married is a little off... by like 8%.
And when are that remaining 1.4 children going to show up?
1 week ago
4 nice things to say...:
I want to see the .4 child!
That is funny! I'm gonna have to check that out. Headed to FB now. Ha ha! : )
I have 61 friends, 59 less than average. 19% are male, 81% are female. 5 are single, 35 are dating or married. If I contracted a deadly variant of flu, I would likely infect 9 people, 1 of whom would die. If I... died today, an estimated 330 people would try to attend my funeral. Based on my Facebook profile, I have a 89% probability of getting married. I am likely to earn US$2.7 million and have 2.1 children over my lifetime.
So...somewhere is .1 child an that 11% of already married. And yes, I am infectious!
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