We finished our breastfeeding class last night. I'll have to say that we are now rethinking our plans for pumping and storage. Steph is letting us borrow her Med.ela Pump'N.Style pump and in the stuff I sent with my sister to return/purchase included the Med.ela Accessory.Kit, breast milk storage bags, and a breast milk organizer tray.
Now we are second guessing those choices. Apparently only the Med.ela Sym.phony pump (hospital grade - the one you can rent because it costs $5000 to buy) and the Ameda.Purely.Yours are the only 2 that have a closed circuit system. Meaning these are the only 2 guaranteed no cross-contamination between users. That is why the Sym.phony can be passed from mother to mother in the hospital (each one has her own accessory kit) and not worry about bacteria transfer. We had thought that by purchasing a Med.ela accessory.kit that I could use her pump with no worries, but since that one is an open circuit, there is a risk that there is milk or milk spray or antigens that were able to be pushed back through the tubing and into the motor. Even though the tubing is replaced in the accessory kit, there is no way to sterilize or clean inside the motor because you can't take it apart. Now I love my Steph, but I don't know about getting her booby milk germies and giving them to my Peanut!!
Since we hope to breastfeed for at least 6 months, it is more economical to purchase our own pump, rather than rent so we are going to buy the Ameda.Purely.Yours.
We are still debating on exchanging the breast milk storage bags. I liked them because you can set them inside this organizer tray standing up (to avoid leakage) and order them by date. This way you are always using the oldest milk first. She said plastic bags cause some breakdown in some vitamins in the milk. Also you have the transferring issue - where every time you transfer the milk - from the pumped-into bottle - to the bag - to the feeding bottle - you are exposing it to germs in the air. I think our freezer can better handle the one tray full of bags, rather than multiple bottles or jars!
Also, amid the stuff I sent back with my sister, we had a box of bottles/nipples/brushes and the bottle sterilizer. Somehow the sterilizer got put into her truck and returned! WHOOPS. We will have to get another one of those - sorry LaRay!
Breastfeeding will definitely be a challenge, especially when I go back to work, but the benefits are so much greater!
And now for some e-shower pics...
This is me just dialing into the con call on my cell. We don't have long distance on the home or office phone so that was interesting. Also, I have no clue what I am doing with my hand. This is me with all of Martha's goodies...
1 week ago
11 nice things to say...:
I'm no BF expert, but I think the comment about transferring from bags to bottles exposes to germs is a bit wacky. After all, if you are formula feeding, there is air exposure. Also, you can't store with the nipples in them, so when you open to put a nipple on the bottle, you'd be exposing. It just sounds a bit paranoid.
Are you absolutely sure you are not over analyzing all this stuff. Because it sounds like you might be over analyzing.
FYI: The common household dishwasher makes for a very efficient sterilizer (when you use the heated dry cycle). Further, sterilization is not as necessary anymore as it once was (http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bnutrition/0,,b11b,00.html).
Would you just relax already?
Thanks so much for sharing the pictures of our little get together! You look beautiful, just glowing.
Breastmilk is naturally antibacterial, please don't stress about that, but whatever else works for you and Dean logistically with breastmilk collection/storage sounds like a winner. I used the bottles to collect and poured them into bags.We just used to stand them up in tall cups until frozen. I loved our microwave sterilizer. Good luck!
You are absolutely beautiful! Peanut got some cute stuff, as did Maddie. Those are two very lucky little ones.
I've read the exact same things about pumps that you learned at your BF class.
FYI - I believe the Ameda pump is the same as the Lansinoh pump. I know Ameda makes the Lansinoh one, at least. The Lansinoh pump is less expensive and you can find it at some Tarjays and Wal.marts.
GREAT PUMP CHOICE! I bought the Ameda Purely Yours when my twins were born 8 1/2 years ago (yikes!) and it is a super product. It has been through my twins, their brother, my niece and a God-Daughter and it still works very well. Maybe not as well as 8 1/2 years ago (again - yikes!) but if I were to have another I would trust it fully.
I enjoy your blog and am anxiously awaiting Peanut's arrival. :)
What neato gifts Martha!!!
I never did pump...I wasn't producing enough to begin with, no need torturing myself by adding pumping. It was all so painful for me!! I tried with Aloria for 3 months. KJ was weaned at 2 weeks since I went back in the hospital for 2.5 weeks.
I used my cell phone for the shower too :)
Did you like taking the class? I am taking a 7 week childbirth class in which they will cover Bfing... and my Mom used to teach breastfeeding classes herself... So I thought about not taking one. Do you think it was essential?
Cute pics by the way!
Tricia -
We took the fastrack 8 hour, 1 day childbirth class. They only touched on BF. We learned SO MUCH more in the BF class. However, since your mom used to teach it, she could probably explain things to you just as well and save yourself $50.
That bib is SO adoreable! I also will be pumping and returning to work. I plan on buying a Medela Pump in Style and getting the Playtex drop ins bottles and the Playtex breastmilk storage kits. I can then pump directly into the liners (no need to transfer) in the bottles, freeze, pull the frozen milk out and put in a larger ziploc bag with about 5 or 6 others. I have a large chest freezer in our basement, so at least I have tons of storage. I hope you find something that will work for you.
I was concerned, like you are, about having to transfer milk from storage bags into bottles. You lose the fat from the milk, it tends to not pour out as well (I've heard). That's why I'm pumping directly into the same liner I will feed from.
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