Kimbosue's Blog has MOOOOOVED!

**As of November 9, 2009, please find me at my new home below.**

Some posts are pw protected, so for the super secret decoder pen....ahem... code, please email me at kimbosue2 AT hotmail DOT com.

This blog will remain open. The link is still tied to lots of IF blogs, groups, and websites. I hope someone can read through my journey and find hope and strength and know that there is a light at the end of the IF tunnel. Prayer is the key! I love all my IF girlies I met along the way, and I hope to keep your friendships going forward during this next chapter of Mommyhood. I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


  1. Why does it feel like all of my internal organs are revolting on me? I am already having to remove 1 of the beasts....
  2. Why does my left ovary hurt? And hurt more when I stand?
  3. Why am I getting flashbacks of round ligament pain?
  4. Why am I even thinking about round ligament pain?
  5. Why did the ER nurse say "That doesn't matter" when I told her I hadn't had a cycle since July 2008... because I am BFing? Don't all medical books say as much? Isn't that a "benefit" of breastfeeding?
  6. Why can I not give away Miles' clothes that are too small for him?
  7. Why can I not give away the gear that he has outgrown?
  8. Why do I stare longingly at pregnant bellies?
  9. Why do I weigh more now than I did before I got pregnant?**
  10. Why am I eating so many calories? For the milk production...**
  11. Why can't I lose weight while BF'ing? Probably isn't recommended...**

**updated to add

Got Mamas Milk Blinkie
Working Mom Blinkie

5 nice things to say...:

Paula Keller said...

Sorry you are feeling crappy!

How soon did you have round ligament pain? When I sneeze really hard, I get a pain that I think might, maaaaaaybe be that.

Um... are you headed for another IUI soon? :)

Steph said... you have something to blog about?

Why you can give the stuff to Baby H & that way if you decide for another one it can all come back to you :)

Why...b/c if you made the time to work out you would miss Miles even more.

Why...b/c it is almost time to see Dr. H again :)

Photogrl said...

I hope the pain leaves soon!

It took me 3 years to give away Miss O.'s outgrown's hard!

KimboSue said...

PJ - I didn't have the ligament pain till 12 weeks or so. :0) But your pain could TOTALLY be that!

No IUI's for least that's what HE thinks!

Steph - Don't you have plenty of stuff for Baby H #2? If I remember correctly, you were a Target-aholic for all things baby?

Ditto on the workout time taking away from Miles time.

Photogrl - I may have it till he's 21!

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

You have a case of baby hunger, Miles is especially delicious, beautiful, and so addictive.
Sorry about the weight loss issue.

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