Kimbosue's Blog has MOOOOOVED!
**As of November 9, 2009, please find me at my new home below.**
Some posts are pw protected, so for the super secret decoder pen....ahem... code, please email me at kimbosue2 AT hotmail DOT com.
This blog will remain open. The link is still tied to lots of IF blogs, groups, and websites. I hope someone can read through my journey and find hope and strength and know that there is a light at the end of the IF tunnel. Prayer is the key! I love all my IF girlies I met along the way, and I hope to keep your friendships going forward during this next chapter of Mommyhood. I hope to see you there!
My friend (un)complicate me, via another friend Calliope, posted a Q&A post on her blog. This is a great way to get to know me (if you care to) and if you don't, then it's just some random stuff about me that will surely blow your mind... HA
I can't post questions/answers that I asked (un)complicate me, as I was rude and didn't participate...only stole her idea! Ask anything you want....almost...cuz DH gets an email of this bloggy's posts - yes, he is too lazy to go the URL and/or read it in his reader - THAT I SET UP for him. (Hi Deano)
So there's the not-much-thought-put-into-it-post-of-the-day. But there will be much thought into the answers of all your wonderful questions!!!!!
But hey! At least I leave with Lots of Love from Miles!
Week 16
I kept meaning to put this on him when we went to watch Daddy play, but forgot....I am sure he will have outgrown it by the time the college community band picks back up during fall semester. Oh well - it is still super cutie!
6 nice things to say...:
I cant believe how much he has grown!!
Oh I love his shirt...way too cute!! do you guys make your own wine? Where did you learn that?
Oh he's getting so big! I'm terrible with thinking up questions, but I'll ponder it and come back.
Miles is Super Cute and Looks Delish!!
What is you and Deano's favorite song?
Where did you all get married?
What do you like about where ya'll live? What would you change?
See, lots of questions, thanks.
I love doing this! I think I should do it again - I ask my readers to ask me questions every year or so!
Okay, my questions...
1. would you eat human meat? Think of craziest circumstance like you are in a country they grow human meat for consumption, so everyone does it. Would you try a bite?
2. coke or pepsi?
3. last CD you bought/listened to?
4. pizza toppings?
5. What shoe would you buy if you could buy ANYTHING?
I want that t-shirt for karl!
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